Portfolio Category: High School

Creative Expression

 Art can be a great tool to raise awareness and get others to appreciate, engage with and build respect for something you are passionate about. You can use natural ...

Green Infrastructure

 No matter where you live, your community and nature are connected. Green infrastructure is a way for us to plan and build our communities with nature instead of replacing ...

Community Clean Up

A lot of the trash we find in the Bay and oceans comes from the land. Our cities, roadways that connect them, and storm drains are responsible for a lot ...


 Behavioral ecology is the study of animal behavior and the reason they behave that way. We are lucky enough to see a large diversity of wildlife here in the ...

Planting for Pollinators

 Pollinators are extremely important for the health of an ecosystem and are responsible for most of the food grown on farms. We can help pollinators thrive by encouraging cities ...

Monitoreo de Sitios de Restauración

 Para restaurar el hábitat de la zona de transición, primero buscamos ejemplos existentes de zonas de transición saludables cercanas y recopilamos los conocimientos de los expertos para determinar qué ...

King Tides

Tides are the daily rising and falling of the sea level and are the result of the sun and moon’s gravitational force on Earth. There are particularly large spring tides ...

Monitoring Restoration Sites

To restore transition zone habitat, Save The Bay first looks to existing examples of healthy transition zones nearby and gathers expert knowledge to determine which plant species to use. Modeling ...