Native Plant Nursery Event (Palo Alto)

Save the Bay is a Bay Area environmental non-profit working to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay for people and wildlife. One of the ways we strive to meet our mission is through community based stewardship led by our Habitat Restoration Team. Our Native Plant Nursery at the Palo Alto Baylands Preserve grows up […]

BIPOC Native Plant Nursery Event (Oakland)

This volunteer program is an affinity space for folks that identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color) and is led by staff that identify as BIPOC. Our Native […]

MLK Shoreline Cleanup & Nursery Work(Oakland)

Help protect San Francisco Bay and spend time out on the MLK Jr. Regional Shoreline! The Arroyo Viejo Creek and Lion Creek watersheds both run into the bay through Damon […]

BIPOC Native Plant Nursery Event (Palo Alto)

This volunteer program is an affinity space for folks that identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color) and is led by staff that identify as BIPOC. Save the […]

Native Plant Nursery Event (Oakland)

Our Native Plant Nursery at the Martin Luther King Regional Shoreline grows up to 50,000 plants per year that will eventually be planted out to one of our several restoration […]

BIPOC Native Plant Nursery Event (Palo Alto)

This volunteer program is an affinity space for folks that identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color) and is led by staff that identify as BIPOC. Save the […]

Native Plant Nursery Event (Palo Alto)

Save the Bay is a Bay Area environmental non-profit working to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay for people and wildlife. One of the ways we strive to meet […]

BIPOC Native Plant Nursery Event (Oakland)

This volunteer program is an affinity space for folks that identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color) and is led by staff that identify as BIPOC. Our Native […]

Restoration at Ravenswood!

Come join us at our Ravenswood site and help protect our marshes from invasive plants! Invasive species degrade habitat by crowding out the California native species that our landscapes and […]