This volunteer program is an affinity space for folks that identify as LGBTQ+ and is led by staff that identify as Queer.
It is planting season! All the work we’ve done throughout the year collecting seed, growing and caring for our precious native plants has been leading to this moment of opportunity provided by the seasonal rains. We hope you will join us in putting these plants in the ground at the Ravenswood Unit of Don Edwards NWR, adjacent to Bedwell Bayfront Park.
This site has rapidly transformed following a levee breach even late last year, opening up a formerly impounded industrial salt pond to bay waters. This is a crucial moment for establishing healthy salt marsh habitat and we are making a big push to put as many native plants in the ground as we can before invasive plants take over. The native plants you will be putting into the ground at will help transform the land, giving wildlife good homes and our communities nature based sea level rise protection!
NOTE: This program is on a levee that is about a little over a mile walk out over a dirt trail from the starting point. There is a flush toilet bathroom at a nearby parking lot and will be a porta-potty onsite.
Please dress according to the weather, bring a water bottle and a snack. Gloves, hand picks, foam kneepads and/or other necessary tools will be provided. Pulling invasive plants can involve bending, lifting and walking over uneven terrain. Programs may be cancelled in the event of heavy winds, poor air quality and/or lightning. Save The Bay strives to include volunteers of all abilities in our programs. If you have specific access needs, please reach out to to coordinate.