Spring is a time of abundance. The flowers are in full bloom, the bees are buzzing and the birds are calling en mass at all hours. This spring, like last, our wet winter has made way for another super bloom of native flowers from Carrizo Plain National Monument to Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve to Anza Borrego Desert State Park. But did you know that there are super blooms to be had right here along the salty shorelines of the San Francisco Bay? Pt. Pinole Regional Shoreline in Richmond is a salt marsh that was lucky enough to experience a super bloom this year.

Intermixed with blankets of green pickleweed, the pinks, purples and golden hues of salt marsh native annual wildflowers can be found blooming from late April into May at Pt. Pinole. Some of the special plants include Salt Marsh Owl’s Clover (Castilleja ambigua), Yellow Rayed Goldfields (Lathenia glabrata) and Sea Muilla (Muilla maritima). These species are well suited to the intertidal salty shores of the Bay and offer nectar to a variety of native pollinators including many species of checkerspot butterflies.

At Save The Bay, we collect some of the annual species of native wildflower seed (after obtaining the appropriate seed collection permits from the appropriate agencies and adhering to strict collection protocols) to propagate and reintroduce into restoration sites to increase biodiversity and support a diverse array of fauna. Sign up to volunteer with us in the nursery to work with this plant material.

Remember: wherever you find yourself enjoying the super blooms this Spring, stay on trail to protect our delicate annual native wildflowers and ensure these special blooms thrive for generations to come. Happy trails!
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