Gifts of Appreciated Stocks, Donor Advised Funds and IRAs

Donating stocks, donor-advised funds, or IRA assets is a smart and simple way to make a meaningful investment in San Francisco Bay. Learn more about your options and how you can help build a climate resilient future.

Donate Stock

A gift of appreciated securities provides significant benefits, including an immediate charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock and avoidance of capital gains taxes that would normally be due upon sale.

How to Give Stock

  • Instruct your broker to transfer shares to Save The Bay.
  • Donor information is often not included when stock gifts are received. Please fill out the simple form (above/below) so that we can send you your tax letter.
    • Contact us at (510) 463-6837 or to provide the following information:
      • Name of stock & ticker symbol
      • Number of shares being donated
      • Intended date of transfer
  • The proceeds from your gift will support Save The Bay’s work.

Save The Bay Stock Transfer Information

Broker: Charles Schwab Account number: 2682-5218 DTC: 0164-40 Save The Bay’s Tax ID#: 94-6078420

Save The Bay Stock Transfer Information

Broker: Charles Schwab
Account number: 2682-5218
DTC: 0164-40
Save The Bay’s Tax ID#: 94-6078420

Benefits of stock donations

  • You receive credit and an immediate tax deduction for the fair market value of your stock gift on the date it was transferred to Save The Bay. (Consult your tax advisor regarding limitations on deductions for gifts of securities held for less than one year.)
  • You pay no capital gains tax on the donated stock.
  • If you own stock that is now worth less than when you bought it, consult your tax advisor about the possible advantages of selling the stock yourself, donating the proceeds to Save The Bay, and claiming a capital loss on your tax return.

Donate Through a Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, DAF’s are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals.

When you make a Donor-Advised Fund gift, it’s possible that the sponsoring organization will not share your information with us. Please email Katie Reitter at when you’ve made a gift so we can make sure to thank you and ensure that your gift gets to where it is intended.

How to Use the DAF Direct Form

  • Select the sponsoring organization from the “Donate now from” field.
  • Enter the amount (in dollars) you would like to recommend in the “Amount” field.
  • Click on the “NEXT” button to proceed to the sponsoring organization’s website to complete your donor advised fund transaction. Please note, you will be directed to an external website to complete your transaction.
  • If you have a DAF with a sponsoring organization not represented on this list, you can still recommend grants.

Logo DAF Direct


IRA Charitable Rollover
(Qualified Charitable Distributions)

If you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit Save The Bay and receive tax benefits in return. You can give any amount up to $105,000 per person per year from your IRA directly to Save The Bay. This will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) and you won’t have to pay income taxes on the money. This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD for short.

To make a gift from your IRA to Save The Bay, contact your IRA administrator to arrange a direct transfer from your account. Your IRA administrator can send the funds by a check made payable to Save The Bay and mailed to:

Save The Bay
560 14th Street, #400
Oakland, CA 94612

Checks sometimes arrive without identification, so please contact Katie Reitter at (510) 463-6837, or email and indicate your name, the name of your IRA administrator and the amount of your distribution.

Additional Information

Save The Bay is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our tax identification number is 94-6078420.


For more information about making a tax-deductible gift to Save The Bay through stock, DAF, or IRA, please contact Katie Reitter at or call 510-463-6837.

Save The Bay Stock Transfer Information

Broker: Charles Schwab
Account number: 2682-5218
DTC: 0164-40
Save The Bay’s Tax ID#: 94-6078420