Together We Soared Above San Francisco Bay

During Shoreline to Skyline on Friday, August 9, we gathered at the top of the highest building in the Bay to celebrate our successes and get inspired to act and support a resilient future for the Bay and its communities!  

We heard about the urgent threats climate change poses to our beloved Bay Area. And, we learned about the innovative solutions being put in place right now—solutions that offer hope and actionable steps towards a more resilient future. 

From pioneering restoration projects to forward-looking policy initiatives, we are reminded that while the challenges are great, so too is our collective power to address them. 

More photos of the event by Ashley Thompson Photography →

Executive Director, David Lewis, Policy Director, Allison Chan, and Habitat Restoration Director, Jessie Olson all spoke eloquently to the need for additional support to address climate change, and particularly sea level rise, now – before it’s too late. This brief video highlights the work Save The Bay is doing to ensure a climate resilient future – with your support.

Guests enjoyed the lovely and unique tote bags – thank you gifts designed by Save The Bay’s Communication Manager, Delanie Lowe. The canvas totes feature plants and animals that are protected thanks to Save The Bay’s habitat restoration work on the shoreline, including the endangered Ridgway’s Rail and Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse.

The 360 views of the Bay and its communities served as an inspiring reminder of all that we are working to protect – for people and wildlife! 

Join the movement – donate to Turn the Tide today and be a part of creating a resilient future for the Bay. 

Photos of Shoreline to Skyline brought to you by Ashley Thompson Photography.