Tell Governor Newsom: Restore Funding for San Francisco Bay

In January, Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed state budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Unfortunately, it included major cuts to funding that had previously been allocated for shoreline resilience and Bay Area-specific sea level rise preparations.

As this year’s storms have shown us, our region is vulnerable to flooding and unprepared for sea level rise and the extreme storms that will result from climate change. We urgently need funding to restore wetlands and create sea level rise plans that protect our communities from flooding.

Sign our petition below to tell Governor Newsom and other state policymakers to restore funding and protect our communities from sea level rise.

To: Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, Senator Nancy Skinner, Senator Josh Becker, Assembly Member Phil Ting, and Assembly Member Steve Bennett

California has an opportunity to drastically reduce single-use plastic waste by passing AB 2236 and SB 1053, identical bills that would ban grocery and some retail stores from providing plastic bags at checkout. Customers would have the option of purchasing paper bags at checkout or bringing their own grocery bags, both more environmentally-friendly options.

Plastic bags are one of the most common trash items found in waterways and on the shoreline. From production to disposal, they are incredibly harmful to the environment and human health.

Sign our petition and tell state policymakers and Governor Newsom to pass this crucial bill to reduce our reliance on single-use plastic bags.

By signing this petition, you agree to receive updates from Save The Bay

About Save The Bay

Since 1961, Save The Bay has fought to protect San Francisco Bay. We have achieved historic victories against Bay fill, unsafe development, and pollution. Today, we are taking on climate change through a combined strategy of political advocacy, wetland restoration, and environmental education. Explore our recent work and discover the impact you can have in your community when you join us.