Redwood City Salt Ponds Update: Letter sent to Biden Administration

Sections of red-tinted salt pond water from above

In October 2020, Save The Bay, three co-plaintiffs, and Attorney General Becerra won our lawsuit ​and restored protections to the Redwood City Salt Ponds under the Clean Water Act.

President Trump’s EPA appealed the ruling, but with a new Administration entering the White House we hope to see this action reversed.

This week, Congresswoman Jackie Speier wrote to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), and seven other members of the Bay Area Congressional delegation, asking the agency to drop that lawsuit appeal. 47 local Bay Area elected officials and organizations also asked President Biden to end the suit and restore federal enforcement of the Clean Water Act.

Speier’s letter notes that the Trump administration “hijacked the jurisdictional determination process, putting politics ahead of science and the law to encourage a private landowner’s development of these wetlands.” Read the full text here.

With your help, we can achieve permanent protection and restoration for the Redwood City Salt Ponds.