Humans of the Bay for Prop 67

Bodie3 (800x450)
Bodie, my 8-month-old golden retriever, is pictured here during our walk at Ocean Beach.
My YES vote on Prop 67 will be for both Bodie and I. Bodie is my 8-month-old golden retriever who, as you can imagine, likes to put anything and everything in his mouth.
Bodie2 (600x800) Toxic trash and plastic bag pollution are forever changing the landscape of the places Bodie and I once loved to escape to.
Toxic trash and plastic bag pollution are forever changing the landscape of the places Bodie and I once loved to escape to.
I love taking my puppy for walks along the scenic Bay Trail and out at Ocean Beach. Both places have always served as a magical place to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. But the other day, I was brought back down to earth by the harsh reality that toxic trash and plastic bag pollution have forever changed the landscape of these places Bodie and I once loved to escape to. Like most puppies, he likes to pick up everything off the ground from dirty socks to plastic bags and food wrappers despite my best efforts to keep a watchful eye on him. I support Prop 67 to ban plastic bags, not just because there will be less trash on the beach for my dog to eat and I won’t have to pull plastic trash out his mouth every 15 feet. It’s also because seabirds and marine mammals don’t have anyone there for every step of those 15 feet to watch over them, and to stop them from eating plastic bags. They often mistake plastic bags for nutritious food sources like jelly fish and are entangled, suffocated, or poisoned by toxic trash. They, and Bodie, are relying on us Humans of the Bay to speak up for them. By banning plastic bags in California we can drastically reduce the amount of plastic trash polluting our waterways and poisoning marine life. I am voting YES on Prop 67 to sustain the beauty of the San Francisco Bay and its wildlife for future generations. The passage of this important environmental legislation will hopefully influence other states to pass statewide bans as well. But don’t just take my word for it, or even Bodie’s.  Listen to the reasons other Humans of the Bay for Prop 67 are stepping up in support of banning plastic bags in California.    
Humans of the Bay
Click to view more Humans of the Bay for Prop 67.
Join me and the many other Humans of the Bay in voting YES on Prop 67 and NO on Prop 65 to uphold the statewide ban of plastic bags.