Bay Savers Spotlight: Sharks Foundation + SAP

If you’re a Bay Area native and watch hockey, there’s no question you are a fan of the San José Sharks. The Sharks are a long-beloved team with deep roots in the Bay, combining skill on the ice with a commitment to regional philanthropy.

Since its establishment in 1994, the Sharks Foundation has dedicated more than $20 million to uplift its community through support of local non-profit organizations, with a focus on improving the lives of underserved youth and families.

In line with the Sharks Foundation’s April Environmental Awareness campaign and in partnership with SAP, the Foundation selected Save The Bay as a community partner during Earth Month.

kids on the shoreline playing an educational game

“These funds sponsor field trips for local students so they can come out to the wetlands and marshes in the Bay Area and participate in revitalization and restoration projects to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.”
Jenné Johnson, Senior Manager, Sharks Foundation

We are grateful for the $50,000 Community Assist Grant to continue engaging youth in our mission to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay for people and wildlife.

Inspiring a Next Generation of Bay Savers

The Sharks Foundation’s grant funds our Habitat Restoration & Environmental Education Program, which provides half-day field trips for 1,500 students, with 70% coming from underserved schools1. Field trips allow students to apply STEM concepts they learn in the classroom while actively restoring vital habitat. We work with teachers to implement relevant topics suitable to their grade level into our shoreline education, including Bay ecology and climate change.

We integrate storytelling and fun games to create a dynamic learning experience, and encourage a deeper connection with the natural world and an awareness of its importance. We partner with schools that will benefit the most from our free program, and provide a bus transportation stipend to eliminate a common barrier to entry.

children working with seedlings

In addition to the education program, the Sharks Foundation’s donation supports Save The Bay’s maintenance of two native plant nurseries that grow plants for our restoration projects and education program. With their help, we’ll grow thousands of seedlings in pots and 94 raised beds. This year, volunteers will help Save The Bay plant 30,000 native seedlings, supported by the Sharks!

Partnership In Action

On April 24, Sharks and SAP staff joined Save The Bay for a day on the shoreline at one of our newest restoration sites. They pulled 275 pounds of invasive weeds to make way for recently planted native species throughout the site. Participants had a wonderful time making a difference for the Bay, while seeing the importance of their companies’ commitments to supporting local nonprofit organizations.

“At SAP, sustainability is a huge part of our mission and our strategy to make the world a better place. It’s great to have this partnership with the Sharks Foundation and to be able to do this work – to restore this natural habitat is inspiring.”
Luke Nixon COO, SAP Labs, US

WATCH VIDEO: Sharks + SAP Save The Bay! Earth Month Celebration April 24, 2024

Thank you, Sharks Foundation and SAP, for your investment in actively restoring wetlands, educating and inspiring youth, and creating a healthy Bay for people and wildlife. We acknowledge your commitment to making the Bay Area a better place for all who call it home.

We may be biased, but you will always be our favorite hockey team. Go Sharks!

[1] Defined by schools receiving Title 1 funding, or at least 40% of the student body receives free/reduced lunch