Take Action

Tell Legislators and Governor Newsom: Pass A State Plastic Bag Ban

California has an opportunity to drastically reduce single-use plastic waste by passing a plastic bag ban bill that state policymakers are considering. Plastic bags are one of the most common trash items found in waterways and on the shoreline. From production to disposal, they are incredibly harmful to the environment and human health.

In 2014, Save The Bay advocated to pass the original plastic bag ban in California. Since then, the plastic industry has exploited loopholes in the law to continue selling plastic bags at grocery stores. We now have a chance to close those loopholes and enforce the law’s original intent – to stop plastic waste.

To: Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, Senator Nancy Skinner, Senator Josh Becker, Assembly Member Phil Ting, and Assembly Member Steve Bennett

California has an opportunity to drastically reduce single-use plastic waste by passing AB 2236 and SB 1053, identical bills that would ban grocery and some retail stores from providing plastic bags at checkout. Customers would have the option of purchasing paper bags at checkout or bringing their own grocery bags, both more environmentally-friendly options.

Plastic bags are one of the most common trash items found in waterways and on the shoreline. From production to disposal, they are incredibly harmful to the environment and human health.

Sign our petition and tell state policymakers and Governor Newsom to pass this crucial bill to reduce our reliance on single-use plastic bags.

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Action = Results

With your help, Save The Bay and our partners have been working to secure historic levels of new funding to support a climate resilient Bay Area where everyone has a place to call home.

This November, voters in the Bay Area will have the chance to vote on two incredibly important measures. Read below for more information.

Prop 4 – California’s Climate Bond

Prop 4 is a $10 billion bond that will fund climate adaptation projects around the state. With this funding, California will make the largest investment in climate preparedness of any state in the nation. Funds will be used to prevent wildfire, ensure drinking water supplies during droughts, protect people from extreme heat, and prepare for the impacts of flooding caused by extreme storms and sea level rise. This bond will emphasize nature-based climate adaptation projects like restored tidal marsh for flood protection. And since many communities that are at the highest risk of climate disaster lack the means to protect themselves, a minimum of 40% of the total funding is required to be invested in disadvantaged communities.

Bay Area Housing For All

The Bay Area’s housing affordability crisis requires changes in how we grow our communities. This $20 billion housing bond will provide the largest ever investment in affordable housing in the Bay Area. It is estimated that this bond will build and preserve more than 72,000 affordable homes. Ensuring that all Bay Area residents have a home that they can afford not only creates more equitable communities, but also allows people to live where they work, learn, and play. This will help reduce the pressure for more sprawl development that require long, greenhouse gas emitting commutes.

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming ballot measures that will help us build a resilient, sustainable, and equitable Bay Area.