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We’re so glad you’re here. You are now part of a dedicated community working to protect and restore San Francisco Bay for people and wildlife.

With a 60-year history of unparalleled impact in environmental protection, Save The Bay is the only organization that combines political advocacy, wetland restoration and environmental education to drive positive change for the Bay Area.

The challenges we face from climate change and pollution are beyond the power of any single entity or individual to solve. That’s why we need people like you to help protect our region and create a climate-resilient future for everyone.

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Dive into Bay Stories and explore our recent work. Discover the challenges facing our region, and the solutions we can make possible.

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Dig in and restore San Francisco Bay. Transplant native seedlings along the shoreline or remove invasive species from critical habitat.

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Give today for a resilience Bay Area. When you donate to Save The Bay you fund advocacy, restoration, and education that shapes the future of our region.