Come join us for Invasive Species Action Week at Palo Alto Baylands to help us clear invasive plants to make room for natives. Native plants are the backbone holding the earth at the Palo Alto Baylands together and the invasive species we will be pulling threaten to crowd them out and deprive all of the species (including humans!) that benefit from healthy salt marshes.
NOTE: This program will meet at the Byxbee parking lot! Directions will be sent to all registered.
Please dress according to the weather, bring a water bottle and a snack. Gloves, hand picks, foam kneepads and/or other necessary tools will be provided. Pulling invasive plants can involve bending, lifting and walking over uneven terrain. Programs may be cancelled in the event of heavy winds, poor air quality and/or lightning. Save The Bay strives to include volunteers of all abilities in our programs. If you have specific access needs, please reach out to to coordinate.