Early this morning, the 112-foot freight barge Vengeance capsized in San Francisco Bay between Yerba Buena Island and the city of Oakland, carrying 4,000 gallons of diesel fuel and 300 gallons of lube oil on board. The diesel fuel is in barrels, not in the vessel’s tank, and 3,000 feet of boom have been deployed around the barge to keep any fuel spills contained.
While officials have reported fuel and oil leaking from the vessel, so far there are no reports of a large scale spill or any wildlife or shoreline sites being harmed. For further information, read the San Francisco Chronicle story.
We are concerned about the situation because pollution is one of the biggest threats to the Bay, and oil spills cause immediate damage to wildlife and Bay water quality. We are monitoring the situation closely and will send out an update to our supporters immediately if urgent action is needed.